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Run Your First Test

Run Your First Artillery Test

We are going to write & run an Artillery test script for a simple API.

You’ll learn:

  • What an Artillery test definition looks like
  • How to write your first Artillery test
  • How to run an Artillery test script

The API is a service that returns ASCII pictures of things, and it runs on (opens in a new tab).

Let's look at an example response from the API:

                       _. - ~ ~ ~ - .
   ..       __.    .-~               ~-.
   ((\     /   `}.~                     `.
    \\\   {     }               /     \   \
(\   \\~~^      }              |       }   \
 \`.-~ -@~      }  ,-.         |       )    \
 (___     ) _}   (    :        |    / /      `.
  `----._-~.     _\ \ |_       \   / /- _      `.
         ~~----~~  \ \| ~~--~~~(  + /     ~-.     ~- _
                   /  /         \  \          ~- . _ _~_-_.
                __/  /          _\  )
              .<___.'         .<___/

Create an Artillery test script

Here's the Artillery test script we will use to load test our API in its entirety. We define a simple but realistic load test, in which virtual users created by Artillery will perform multiple actions.

Artillery test scripts are usually written as YAML, but they can also be written in JavaScript.

We'll walk through it step-by-step next to understand what's going on.

  # This is a test server run by team Artillery
  # It's designed to be highly scalable
    - duration: 60
      arrivalRate: 1
      rampTo: 5
      name: Warm up phase
    - duration: 60
      arrivalRate: 5
      rampTo: 10
      name: Ramp up load
    - duration: 30
      arrivalRate: 10
      rampTo: 30
      name: Spike phase
  # Load & configure a couple of useful plugins
    ensure: {}
    apdex: {}
    metrics-by-endpoint: {}
    threshold: 100
      - http.response_time.p99: 100
      - http.response_time.p95: 75
  - flow:
      - loop:
          - get:
              url: '/dino'
          - get:
              url: '/pony'
          - get:
              url: '/armadillo'
        count: 100

Save this script as asciiart-load-test.yml.

Test script walkthrough

Artillery test scripts have two parts: config and scenarios:

  • config is what defines how our load test will run, e.g. the URL of the system we're testing, how much load will be generated, any plugins we want to use, and so on.
  • scenarios is where we define what the virtual users created by Artillery will do. A scenario is usually a sequence of steps that describes a user session in the app.

This is how it all fits together in our script:

Set the target

We set the target with:

target: ''

This means that all requests will use that base URL by default.

Define load phases

We describe the load phases in the next section. Load phases tell Artillery how many virtual users to create, and describe the shape of the load we want.

  - duration: 60
    arrivalRate: 5
    rampTo: 10
    name: Warm up the API
  - duration: 60
    arrivalRate: 10
    rampTo: 50
    name: Ramp up to peak load
  - duration: 300
    arrivalRate: 50
    name: Sustained peak load

In this test we've defined three distict phases:

  1. Warm up the API - this phase will run for 60 seconds. Artillery will start by creating 5 new virtual users per second, and gradually ramp up to 10 new virtual users per second by the end of the phase.
  2. Ramp up to peak load - this phase will also last for 60 seconds. Artillery will continue ramping up load from 10 to 50 virtual users per second.
  3. Sustained peak load - this phase will run for 300 seconds. Artillery will create 50 new virtual users every second during this phase.

These phases will give us what's commonly known as a "spike test", where load on our API spikes to a high-level for a short amount of time. In the real world this may be the result of something like a newsletter going out, a flash sale, or an expected daily peak in usage of our app.


Our script also loads a couple of built-in plugins to produce detailed metrics for every URL in the test, and to set up automatic success checks for the results of the test.

Define scenarios

  - name: Get 3 animal pictures
        - get:
            url: '/dino'
        - get:
            url: '/pony'
        - get:
            url: '/armadillo'
      count: 100

Our scenarios section defines one scenario. Each virtual user created in this test will run this scenario.

The scenario contains three steps, each of which is a HTTP GET request to a different endpoint. We use the loop action to repeat those 3 requests 100 times.

Every virtual user running the scenario is completely independent of other virtual users running the same scenario, just like users and API clients in the real world. No memory, network connections, cookies, or other state is shared between virtual users.

Run the load test

We can run the script with Artillery like this:

artillery run asciiart-load-test.yml

Artillery will run the test, launching new virtual users as defined by the config.phases spec. As virtual users run their scenario and collect performance metrics, Artillery will print a report every 10 seconds with a summary of collected metrics for that time period.

The output will look similar to this, with reports describing the number of virtual users created, HTTP response codes, and response times from API endpoints we're testing:

Test run id: tjjxc_6wygz7zab57pffz45gcrj3wwwn4cf_dbnt
Phase started: Warm up the API (index: 0, duration: 60s) 13:00:00(+0100)

Metrics for period to: 13:00:10(+0100) (width: 9.9s)
-------------------------------------- ................................................................ 2100
http.downloaded_bytes: ......................................................... 1407350
http.request_rate: ............................................................. 200/sec
http.requests: ................................................................. 30
  min: ......................................................................... 13
  max: ......................................................................... 15
  mean: ........................................................................ 14.1
  median: ...................................................................... 13.9
  p95: ......................................................................... 13.9
  p99: ......................................................................... 13.9
http.responses: ................................................................ 210
vusers.completed: .............................................................. 700
vusers.created: ................................................................ 700
vusers.created_by_name.0: ...................................................... 700
vusers.failed: ................................................................. 0
  min: ......................................................................... 177
  max: ......................................................................... 177
  mean: ........................................................................ 176.9
  median: ...................................................................... 175.9
  p95: ......................................................................... 175.9
  p99: ......................................................................... 175.9

Congrats! You have just run your first load test with Artillery.