
The latest Artillery features and product launches.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Artillery CLI v2.0.4


  • Enable support for 12 more AWS regions (eu-west-2, eu-west-3, us-east-2, us-west-2, ca-central-1, ap-east-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, me-south-1, sa-east-1 )
  • Add support for sending Playwright and HTTP traces to Datadog APM - Documentation
  • Add support for --variables flag in run-fargate command - Documentation
  • Show supported regions when using the --region flag

CLI & Core

  • Add TypeScript support for custom code for tests running locally or on AWS Fargate. This is an experimental feature. - Documentation


  • VUs will now run in isolated browsers contexts rather than new browser instances by default for better performance - Documentation
  • HTTP status codes are now tracked and reported through the<code> metric - Documentation
  • Fix bug in before/ after hooks that prevented the Playwright engine from working - Documentation
  • Add experimental TypeScript support. See the docs for current limitations - Documentation


  • Fix issue with virtual users not failing when using test.step() with OpenTelemetry Playwright tracing enabled
  • OpenTelemetry tracing can now be used to send HTTP and Playwright engine traces to Datadog in Fargate tests - Documentation
  • Add support for smart sampling when using HTTP tracing with the OpenTelemetry reporter
Friday, December 15, 2023

Shared test reports

Unique sharing URLs can now be generated for test reports. This is useful for sharing test reports with people outside of your team on Artillery Cloud.

Page performance improvements

Metrics explorer

We have updated the colors for the Page performance widget so they are consistent across all charts that have the same metrics. We now show the score (good, fair, bad) for every metric on all tooltips and on also the “Performance breakdown by URL” table.

Metrics explorer improvements

Metrics explorer

When plotting two separate metrics with the same aggregation (e.g. p95) for comparisons, the series lines now show a distinctive style to improve readability.

Friday, December 8, 2023

See usage stats at a glance

You can now see an overview of your team's load testing activity at a glance:

  • Total number of load tests run
  • Pass/fail rate. A passing test is a test that completed successfully and passed all ensure checks if any were defined.
  • Total number of virtual users created across all tests
  • Total running time of all tests

Stats for all time activity are shown by default, but you can also see stats for the last 30 days.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Stop running tests from the dashboard

Sometimes you need to stop a test that is currently running. You can now do this directly from the dashboard.

This works for all Artillery tests that run on AWS Fargate, regardless of whether they are triggered from a developer's machine or from a CI/CD pipeline.

This feature requires that Artillery CLI v2.0.1 or later is used to run the test.